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Übersetzungen für die down im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

die down VERB intr

2. die down übtr controversy, sound:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They are at their strongest in the afternoon and often die down at night, but sometimes meltemi winds last for days without a break.
Despite the best efforts of the press, the debate began to die down in late 1904.
They are at their strongest in the afternoon and often die down at night, but sometimes lodos winds last for days without a break.
As the sands die down he is once more being chased by enemies.
Once the fire has burned long enough, and has started to die down, the chip ceremony begins.
They are in fact waiting for their own publicity to die down so that they can make a getaway.
If the motion is damped, the oscillations will die down until the motion is a steady precession.
The band waited for the fighting to die down, but it did not.
However, as players began to leave each team through free agency, trades, or retirements, the rivalry began to die down.
Media coverage of the discovery would probably die down quickly, though, as scientists began to decipher the message and learn its true impact.

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