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Übersetzungen für disaffection im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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disaffection [ˌdɪsəˈfekʃən] SUBST kein Pl

disaffection with sth

Beispielsätze für disaffection

disaffection with sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Implicit in this stance was a certain alienation and disaffection with the notion of the modern nation state and the exercise of political authority.
This strategy of divide and rule led to great disaffection and tensions among population groups in the region.
Again, he expressed his disaffection with elements of the crowd for displaying poor order during the game.
This could lead to disaffection if they left families behind.
His actions caused great disaffection among the nobles.
There was no movement of the mutineers from the arsenal, and no evidence of disaffection in the city at large.
In 1843, after a period of theological disaffection.
In addition, movie genres showing disaffection to the status quo during the era were also popular.
The chief causes of disaffection against the "amir" have been his attempts to purify the administration and to impose conscription on the people.
This was seen by some as disaffection with the whole idea.

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