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Übersetzungen für disturbing im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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disturbing [dɪˈstɜ:bɪŋ, Am -ˈstɜ:r-] ADJ


disturb [dɪˈstɜ:b, Am -tɜ:rb] VERB trans

2. disturb (worry):

3. disturb (move):

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her issues are highlighted in a number of speeches, loudly and intensely given, exposing the disturbing and personal events of her past.
Its pretty disturbing that our representatives would propose this kind of secret law.
They also present uncommon, uncomfortable and, sometimes, disturbing situations through which the protagonists take part.
He led a fight for the free speech rights of striking steel workers and was briefly imprisoned on a charge of disturbing the peace.
She remains an enigma even as she reveals more and more disturbing secrets from her past.
Disturbing hair and eyes, a smile like no other, threatened the ideal of five generations living under one roof.
The next step is to place one or two ferrets down the rabbit holes without disturbing the catch-net.
The major threat to the species is humans, disturbing their roosts and causing habit loss.
He quickly learned the language, and every condition seemed favourable, but there was one disturbing feature.
However, the most disturbing thing of all about the household was the mystery wing.

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