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Übersetzungen für divide up im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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divide up VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He posits that large bodies of water limit the power projection abilities of militaries and thus naturally divide up powers in the globe.
A similar technique was used to divide up wall surfaces before they were decorated with relief.
It also makes extensive use of various' stings' to divide up the content.
Again he used fusuma partitions and shoji screens, but in a modern way to divide up the spaces.
To reduce the overhead incurred by this garbage collection, most implementations avoid purely circular logs and divide up their storage into segments.
Sometimes when his supplies got low, he would divide up what was left among patients.
They divide up sections of the area and provide solutions to the individual problems they present themselves with.
Typically, the head would first outline in detail the overall composition, and pupils would then divide up the supplementary tasks.
On the inner floor are several ridges that divide up the interior into several minor peaks and valleys.
They are then informed that they must divide up into three teams, and that the three models will choose their teammates.

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