Englisch » Polnisch

domiciled [ˈdɒmɪsaɪld, Am ˈdɑ:mə-] ADJ form

domicile [ˈdɒmɪsaɪl, Am ˈdɑ:mə-] SUBST form

1. domicile JUR:

2. domicile WIRTSCH:

domicile address SUBST JUR

Beispielsätze für domiciled

to be domiciled in London

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each may also have to be physically domiciled within the state or province's borders.
He contemplated that there may be exception at the international level where there may be injustice or where both parties are domiciled in the forum.
Given his father's naval career, where the family was domiciled is uncertain.
As his desertion was technically in the heat of battle, his penalty would be quartering (cut into four pieces, not domiciled).
If an unmarried couple change residence to different countries, then the local law on where the couple is last domiciled is applied to them.
Thus, for example, an individual domiciled in a common law state can not give consent and create a valid second marriage.
In state-owned lake water area (in major lakes) and on state-owned lake islands, all persons domiciled in municipalities by the lake are empowered to hunt.
This is determined by the law of the court hearing the case, so that a person can be domiciled in more than one state simultaneously.
One common way is by the country where the company is domiciled.
Nevertheless, law schools without state domiciled reservations have been successful in churning out quality law graduates.

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