Englisch » Polnisch

downscaling [ˈdaʊnskeɪlɪŋ] SUBST kein Pl

downscaling of operations

II . downscale Am [ˈdaʊnskeɪl] ADJ

1. downscale (inferior):

2. downscale WIRTSCH:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is the theory of degrowth which promotes downscaling of production and consumption.
We don't want to commit troops, because it will show a weakness of policy at the moment -- downscaling our army.
A special group of techniques of pedometric mapping focus on downscaling the spatial information that can be area-based or continuous.
Within specific domains or for specific conversions, the following alternative terms for sample-rate conversion are also used: sampling-frequency conversion, resampling, upsampling, downsampling, interpolation, decimation, upscaling, downscaling.
First, it reveals the dramatic downscaling of what politics is about.
But expect the downscaling to go no further than the cast and logistics.
However, downscaling of the minimum feature size also results in tighter packing of the wires on a microprocessor, which increases parasitic capacitance and signal propagation delay.
Replacing boomers who are either dying or downscaling into retirement and therefore aren't interested in spending more of their money.
However, cutbacks to defense spending planned for the fiscal year 2011 budget forced the downscaling of the design in mid-2009.
So all three of those universities have been downscaling agriculture.

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