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Übersetzungen für dress rehearsal im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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dress rehearsal SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An open dress is a dress rehearsal to which specific individuals have been invited to attend as audience members.
At the first dress rehearsal, he started to play fully.
It must be a dress rehearsal because the broadcast took place at 7 pm, at which time the sky would not have been as bright as the skylights indicate.
The dress rehearsal was also filmed, with parts being edited into the televised program.
It was viewed as a dress rehearsal more than anything else.
Each performance was preceded by a full dress rehearsal.
The film opens with the final dress rehearsal before opening night, with the cast still forgetting lines, missing cues, and mishandling props.
It was all a joke, or more accurately, a dress rehearsal.
Despite finding himself standing on the wrong side of the curtain during the final dress rehearsal, he became enamored of the theater.
I had expected it to make a livelier effect after the impression of the dress rehearsal.

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