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Übersetzungen für dynamo im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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dynamo [ˈdaɪnəməʊ, Am -moʊ] SUBST

1. dynamo TECH:

dynamo nt

2. dynamo ugs (person):

she's a human dynamo
he's the dynamo of the team

Beispielsätze für dynamo

she's a human dynamo
he's the dynamo of the team

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Before the introduction of dynamo electric machines, voltaic, or primary, batteries were extensively used for electro-plating and in telegraphy.
Dynamo also fathered a child with an alien woman that he had met in outer space, after coming to the aid of her malfunctioning starship.
In either case, this can result in the loss of the magnetic dynamo.
Realizing the need for a constant source of current, he developed an interest in power generation and invented several dynamos and generators.

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