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Übersetzungen für employee representation im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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employee representation SUBST kein Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Employee representation policy is not based primarily on enhancing the long-term interests of union members; but on providing a mechanism for the operation of the industrial relations system.
It warps the market for employee representation.
But if a professional league negotiated compensation with employee representation via collective bargaining, then restricted pay would be legal.
The union attempts to improve the working conditions of law enforcement officers and the safety of those they serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation.
The board must have at least three members; five if there is employee representation.
Employers entering negotiations for a new enterprise agreement must provide a notice of employee representation to employees within 14 days of the notification time.
This report listed several major advantages of employee ownership including stronger long-term focus; increased employee representation at board level; and greater preference for internal growth.
We are actively engaged in a consultation process with the store employees and have created an employee representation group for this specific purpose.
This law improved employee representation on the supervisory boards of companies outside the steel and coal industries.
However, given the nature of these plans, some form employee representation is generally a good idea.

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