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Übersetzungen für erode im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . erode [ɪˈrəʊd, Am ɪˈroʊd] VERB trans

1. erode (wear away):

to erode sth

2. erode übtr (undermine):

to erode sth
to erode sb's rights

II . erode [ɪˈrəʊd, Am ɪˈroʊd] VERB intr

Beispielsätze für erode

to erode sb's rights
to erode sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

During the monsoon the sand is being eroded at a greater rate than it is accreted.
The plasma is also very hot and is capable of eroding the metal surfaces of the switch contacts.
Mangrove covered shorelines are less likely to erode, or will erode significantly more slowly, than unvegetated shorelines during periods of high wave energy.
Due to its popularity, some parts of the trail have been badly eroded by tourist.
Faulting and folding of the four intervening rock zones resulted in a (now eroded) mountain belt.
Rivers and streams erode valleys throughout the parkland ecoregion.
In some areas, unvegetated spoil piles continue to erode even 50 to 65 years after mining.
While generally not visible, the wreck is sometimes visible following extreme weather events, which erode sand from the beach revealing the wreck.
Again, the meaning was eroded over time until it came to mean just where.
All of these factors are influenced by the wind which can erode surfaces.

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