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Übersetzungen für escalation im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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escalation [ˌeskəˈleɪʃən] SUBST

escalation of tension
wzrost m
escalation of tension

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This marked another turning point in the escalation of violence that would only end with the final liberation by allied troops and partisans in 1945.
Unfortunately, because escalation (unlike inflation) may occur in a micro-market, and it may be hard to measure with surveys, indices can be difficult to find.
They were too late to prevent the escalation of widespread and violent labor unrest in the region, which was violently suppressed.
These cases are most often seen in association with other factors such as rapid dose escalations or withdrawal from other medications.
But other factors contributed to the escalation of violence.
Most analysts agreed that once the first nuclear exchange had occurred, escalation to global nuclear war would likely become inevitable.
Then comes an escalating hard rock sound, interrupted by breakdowns and escalations in the bridge, including a repeat of the intro.
The conflict failed to pacify and resulted in an escalation between the two parties in the following year.
There is much controversy about the causes of this escalation.
Other costs and pricing are added, such as overhead, profit, sales or use taxes, payment and performance bonds, escalation, and contingency.

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