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Übersetzungen für excitements im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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excitement [ɪkˈsaɪtmənt] SUBST


excitements Pl form (exciting things)
emocje Pl

Beispielsätze für excitements

excitements Pl form (exciting things)

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It reads with all the pace and excitement of a movie thriller and all the verisimilitude and detail of firsthand reportage.
The exhibition, which roused much public excitement, continued for more than a year.
I never witnessed more intense excitement to get possession of a newspaper, he wrote.
The fact that enemies can attack or be attacked at any time is credited with injecting urgency and excitement into the combat system.
Going into the month, the mood was bright and excitement was high for record speeds.
While he's having his tea, he can feel excitement mounting inside him, but not any more.
It originally became popular in online gaming forums and is now used as an expression of excitement and joy.
He works there 16 hours a day and often suffers from fits of excitement and nerves.
There's only so much excitement you can generate from watching nice people turn mean as they die slow.
The significance and history of the pieces was at first unrecognized, and the revelation prompted no particular excitement.

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