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Übersetzungen für excuses im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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I . excuse [ɪkˈskju:z] VERB trans

1. excuse (forgive):

2. excuse (justify):

3. excuse (allow not to attend):

4. excuse (attract attention):

5. excuse esp AM (ask to repeat):

II . excuse [ɪkˈskju:s] SUBST

1. excuse (explanation):

please make my excuses

3. excuse (false reason):

Beispielsätze für excuses

please make my excuses
ragbag of excuses

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Workshy schoolchildren no longer rely on traditional excuses such as "the dog ate my homework", prefering more modern variations including "my computer crashed", according to a survey.
Many commentators criticized the events as wasteful displays of wealth, poor planning of inexperienced managers, or excuses for binge drinking.
The text alternates between boasts of the club's achievements, elaborate excuses for its supposed shortcomings, and contemptuous dismissals of members' complaints.
The subject then tried to make excuses and evade the transvestite, but he does end up (submissively) going off in a car with the transvestite.
Our taxation system excuses more than a fifth of people from paying anything at all through direct taxation.
He seemingly never cares about their troubles and works, and always finds excuses to procrastinate their expedition.
The list of excuses she invented to avoid each week's class is entertaining, but she persevered and became a decent hoofer.
Keep up your absurd excuses and you'll be left with high schools and grammar schools to piddle with.
Elections are nothing but a tribal headcount of careerist politicians who will offer the same excuses again and again for failing to deliver.
He is inarguably a criminal, and makes no excuses for it.

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