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Übersetzungen für externalise im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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externalize, externalise Brit [ɪkˈstɜ:nəlaɪz, Am -ˈstɜ:r-] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

To do this, we need to externalise the body's internal data and have machines better understand how people are feeling and thinking in real time.
Essentially, they are machines which are designed to grow, to externalise their costs and privatise their profits.
It is an effort to externalise the truth of my own existence on as many levels as possible and communicate a greater awareness of the quality of life.
As it relates to mental issues and illnesses, men are more likely to externalise emotions, which leads to aggressive, impulsive, coercive and non-compliant behaviour.
Still, to externalise the internal, participation by word and gesture remains important.
Instead of frantically worrying about things or running about doing things, people relax when they are gardening, they externalise.
This tendency to externalise blame has its uses -- it helps to keep an entrepreneurs sense (or delusion) that they are special alive.
A more appropriate solution is to externalise additional virus scans, for instance by using a separate virus scanner for the file server.
Some people learn to internalise the anger, while others find means to externalise the emotion.
The next big disruption will be where we have an intelligent service layer - where we can externalise our services and capabilities for other companies to bundle with theirs.

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