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Übersetzungen für fearless im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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fearless [ˈfɪələs, Am ˈfɪr-] ADJ

to be fearless of sth

Beispielsätze für fearless

to be fearless of sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is fearless, and will forage around ski resorts.
He will be remembered as a great churchman, a strong and fearless leader, a talented teacher and a devoted and patient pastor.
He was especially popular back home for his fearless tackles and fighting spirit.
It is quite fearless when not persecuted but is quick to become wary and shy if too much attention is paid to it.
She is very physically capable and almost fearless, often rushing into things without giving them a second thought.
He was skilled, fearless, could kick with either foot and was an excellent overhead mark for his size.
In the war he proved himself a brilliant military leader and a fearless soldier.
He is mysterious, scary and leads with fearless determination.
The eggs and chicks may be targeted by cats and corvids, although the adults are fearless in defence of their nests, occasionally even attacking humans.
The experience of being so isolated gave her many things, including strength and courage, which made her fearless.

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