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Übersetzungen für figure of eight im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The route encircles the orchard, and is of a figure of eight shape, though the arms of the 8 do not cross.
The golf course consists of two loops of nine holes, forming a figure of eight.
The route consisted of two loops that comprised a figure of eight.
You realised that when you were standing in the figure of eight that you could hear the crowd kind of recognise what it was.
Torsion results in a streptoneural nervous system, where the visceral nerves cross over in a figure of eight fashion.
And then it was walking in a figure of eight.
Sometimes they hover singly as if suspended from a thread or flying in a figure of eight motion.
These ranged from lunges, squats and figure of eight mop exercises.
Highlighting this event is the difficult figure of eight competition where the cowboy crisscrosses around a group of barrels.
After a second nightly aerial approach with a figure of eight at 21 km/h instead of 57 km/h, he landed flat but could not catch the torch barrier.

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