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Übersetzungen für flaunt im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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flaunt [flɔ:nt, Am flɑ:nt] VERB trans abw

Beispielsätze für flaunt

to flaunt sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They flaunt new shawls and newly blackened skirts ("tidziya" plural).
He was frequently promoted despite his tendency to offend the older members of the firm by ignoring their advice and flaunting his success.
He was well liked and never flaunted his wealth and power.
Widespread corruption within developing countries allows many agreements to be flaunted.
During this time he amassed a fortune, which he flaunted with diamond rings and expensive cars, leading to charges of hypocrisy and corruption.
The magazine flaunts the artistic and the writing skills of the students.
They detail self-love, flaunting his cash, his looks, and his skills with the ladies.
He picks up women with ease on account of his handsomeness and flaunts this quality in front of his friends.
For instance, size is usually a good predictor of fighting success, and many animals will display to flaunt their size.
He consistently talks down to the students and flaunts his authority throughout the film.

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