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Übersetzungen für forward contract im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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forward contract SUBST WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The left side corresponds to a portfolio of long a call and short a put, while the right side corresponds to a forward contract.
Under a forward contract, brokers usually ask for a 10 per cent deposit at the time of arrangement.
The spot rate has to be locked onto before the starting date of the forward to forward contract.
In this example, the exchange rate climbed in both years, increasing the value of the forward contract.
Any change in the forward rate, however, changes the value of the forward contract.
It describes the relationship between the spot and forward price of the underlying asset in a forward contract.
A forward contract will lock in an exchange rate today at which the currency transaction will occur at the future date.
This transaction occurs when a taxpayer enters into or acquires any debt instrument, forward contract, futures contract, option, or similar financial instrument held in a non-functional currency.
A closely related contract is a forward contract.
Here's how a forward contract for a property purchase could work.

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