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Übersetzungen für frequency distribution im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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frequency distribution SUBST MATH, WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Thus, counting the occurrence of byte patterns that is often referred as byte frequency distribution gives distinguishable patterns to identify file types.
An exact test of significance for means of samples drawn from populations with an exponential frequency distribution.
It can really only be done if one can compare the frequency distribution of grades in the two systems.
Some kind of averaging is required in order to create a clear picture of the underlying frequency content (frequency distribution).
Specifically the frequency distribution of a given set of alleles in a population.
This means that the time frequency distribution should be a straight line.
It tests a null hypothesis stating that the frequency distribution of certain events observed in a sample is consistent with a particular theoretical distribution.
When a black body is at a uniform temperature, its emission has a characteristic frequency distribution that depends on the temperature.
Another brute force approach is to match up the frequency distribution of the letters.
E.g. single columns could be profiled individually to get an understanding of frequency distribution of different values, type, and use of each column.

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