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Übersetzungen für fuze im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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fuze SUBST, VERB trans AM

fuze → fuse

Siehe auch: fuse

I . fuse [fju:z] SUBST

2. fuse:

lont m

II . fuse [fju:z] VERB intr

2. fuse ELEK:

3. fuse (join when heated):

III . fuse [fju:z] VERB trans

1. fuse (join):

łączyć [perf po-]

2. fuse ELEK:

3. fuse (melt):

fuze box SUBST AM

fuze box → fuse box

Siehe auch: fuse box

fuse box SUBST ELEK

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A secondary fuze well was provided on the bottom of this plug for installing anti-handling devices.
It has a simulated fuze with a removable pin and safety lever.
The top had a threaded fuze well in the center.
All of these events must take place in the correct order to arm the fuze.
The mine contains a high explosive charge, a pressure-initiated fuze, a pressure plate and seven fuze wells but no power source.
A central pressure cap is made of glass, which sits on top of a chemical fuze, which is crushed open onto the booster charge.
It used a radar proximity fuze and semi-active radar homing.
It is moderately resistant to overpressure due to the small surface area of the pressure fuze.
Early field testing connected the circuit to a thyratron trigger operating a tower-mounted camera which photographed passing aircraft to determine distance of fuze function.
These have been superseded by induction fuze setters that do not require physical contact with the fuze.

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