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Übersetzungen für getaway im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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getaway [ˈgetəweɪ, Am ˈget̬ə-] SUBST ugs

to make a [or one's] getaway

getaway car SUBST

Beispielsätze für getaway

to make a [or one's] getaway

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This is the moment a "getaway driver" on a mobility scooter speeds away after a raid on a pharmacy.
Then, he watched the man hop in a getaway car with another man and speed off.
As party after party unfolds, the getaway weekend gives way to a year, and ultimately the rest of her life.
The officers jumped out of their 4x4 vehicle and pursued the robbers after the security officer had blocked their getaway car with his van.
The gunner left the scene in a getaway car followed by two back-up vehicles.
It exploded as they ran to a getaway car, causing the building to collapse.
What began as a quiet getaway became their permanent home from 1939.
Conceals inside an outdoor office trailer, positioned for a quick getaway.
They find this a perfect opportunity to dump the kid and make their getaway.
The 40.5-hectare hilly island was transformed in 1975 into a tranquil getaway with swimming lagoons, beaches, picnic grounds, trekking routes and soccer fields.

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