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Übersetzungen für handling fee im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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handling charge, handling fee SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It comes with a handling fee of 2.89%.
You just have to pay a small shipping and handling fee.
A handling fee applies for telephone bookings only.
We received a handling fee for every can/bottle and had increased footfall/sales.
Clinics list and access our practice management tools for free and only pay a handling fee on payments processed through our software.
We don't require that you purchase a casket here, and there's no handling fee if a family brings their own.
For the transaction in question, our handling fee is one-fourth of 1 percent.
Furthermore, individuals will only have to pay a $6.95 shipping and handling fee.
The cost is $50 plus a $3.74 handling fee to cover the rental of the boats, safety equipment, labor, administration, equipment transport and insurance.
He would knock and announce that the lucky resident had won an absolutely free subscription; all they had to do was pay a small shipping and handling fee.

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