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Übersetzungen für heights im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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height [haɪt] SUBST

2. height:

heights Pl (high places), to be afraid , [or scared] of heights
to have a head for heights

3. height:

heights Pl (hills)
wzgórza ntpl

4. height (peak):

szczyt m


to attain [or reach] new heights

Beispielsätze für heights

heights Pl (hills)
heights Pl (high places), to be afraid , [or scared] of heights
to attain [or reach] new heights
to have a head for heights

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He sent his troops up the heights on either side of the pass to outflank the defenders, and succeeded with very few casualties.
Now, just three months into 2011 and here we are mirroring the events of 2008 with the surplus promising to rise to heights previously undreamed of.
But with local government reform the government's illogicality reaches new and even more destructive heights.
The film takes social networking to all new heights and leaves four chosen social networkers fighting for their lives at 30,000 feet.
Heights vary from prostrate to 1.5 metres high.
These waves reach heights much greater than the original obstruction and so can permit gliders to climb to the stratosphere.
They can also be built to multi-story heights.
A problem here arose from spasmodic transient radar echoes at heights of about 60 miles, arriving at a rate of five to 10 per hour.
From the heights of his castle he could survey the roads round about from above.
The heights of masts for mediumwave transmitters normally do not exceed the 300 metre (1000 foot) level.

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