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Übersetzungen für hive off im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für hive off

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The developer is looking to hive off the entire operations and maintenance to the buyer for the remaining licence period, the report said.
Legacy aside, would-be sellers are reluctant to hive off their crown-jewel properties at fire-sale prices.
But it's tough to hive off businesses that aren't especially profitable.
Does all the work have to be done by a highly paid pathologist or can we hive off some routine tasks to pathology assistants?
The war that they are part of is not something that they can hive off in their minds, however they may try.
The history of it is that trying to hive off a bit of a network can be pretty flawed.
Meanwhile, it also creates a whole heap of technology that it can hive off and sell on to other businesses should it wish.
If this was to occur, does that mean the yacht clubs could hive off part of their land and put up units?
The union reps were obviously glad to hive off as much of that spending bonanza for themselves as they possibly could.
This might be effected for a single asset, or via a more comprehensive hive off of multiple assets fitting similar criteria.

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