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Übersetzungen für housebound im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Housebound during a long recovery, he became interested in cartooning and took several cartooning correspondence courses.
Some volunteering, such as taking a housebound person's dog for a walk, is physical and can help improve your fitness.
This ranges from televisions for those whose mobility is restricted or are largely housebound, to excursions and trips for the more able.
Honor's incapacity in the novel represented by the nature of her injuries leaving her housebound suggests an ambiguous message of limited freedom for women in wartime.
They're out every night, visiting the housebound, organising nativity plays, or burying the elderly who've been carried off by the cold weather.
If space permits, an open courtyard within the house can be a blessing, allowing housebound elders to experience the outdoors.
Many people with anxiety disorders benefit from joining a self-help or support group (telephone conference call support groups or online support groups being of particular help for completely housebound individuals).
This consisted mainly of parish visitations and taking communion to the housebound.
Savage not only presented the hour-long show, but played requests on the organ from listeners who were sick in hospital or housebound.
The 57-year-old was practically housebound, sitting on an armchair, as it was difficult to move because of the huge tumour.

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