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Übersetzungen für hush money im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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hush money SUBST kein Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

This suggestion they may have been offered hush money is offensive and sickening.
Public institutions should not be allowed cover up their errors and malfeasance by paying taxpayers' money as hush money.
He was reportedly deep in debt and being blackmailed for hush money by members of the yakuza.
The hush money also helped to avoid being sued or facing criminal charges.
The first con artist offers a sizable sum of hush money, and the victim pitches in.
We never ever looked at it as hush money, we never even talked about compensation.
It was hush money so the boy would keep his secrets.
We have a school that has been allegedly threatened by the local member, a school that has been offered hush money if they go quietly.
He thought it was hush money to drop the clinical negligence case and remain quiet.
Puppeteers were willing to pay large sums of hush money in order to suppress even trivial details about their homeworld.

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