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Übersetzungen für illusions im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für illusions

to have no illusions about sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Not every illusion that can be made to appear real on the movie screen can be made to appear so on stage.
A closer look at the murals reveals his interest in creating illusions of space, which he would later explore in his lightpaintings.
The ambulatory would then give the illusion of a labyrinth of side chambers running off from the central area.
The concept and numerical proof of illusion optics was proposed in 2009 based on transformation optics in the field of metamaterials.
It gives the illusion of independence to the characters by separating them the community, but it also isolates when there are threats or danger.
When the video is played back, it gives the illusion of slow motion, a method of high speed photography.
Minimizing these illusions in the real world is not simple.
This motion may be an optical illusion caused by the relativistic velocity of the jet, and not true superluminal motion.
His most important original arguments in this area concern the passage of time, which he claimed is an illusion.
She was an expert on topology, the art of creating illusions with shapes, and wrote three standard texts on the subject.

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