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Übersetzungen für incur im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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incur <-rr-> [ɪnˈkɜ:ʳ, Am -ˈkɜ:r] VERB trans

1. incur WIRTSCH:

incur costs
incur debt

2. incur (bring upon oneself):

to incur the anger [or wrath] of sb

3. incur (risk):

to incur the risk of a penalty

Beispielsätze für incur

to incur the risk of a penalty
to incur the anger [or wrath] of sb

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Following the civil war that subsequently broke out in the early 1990s, the facility incurred significant damage.
It does not cover whether such service would incur a cost upon usage.
Prior to this notice, reimbursements were permitted only for claims incurred during the plan year.
In late 2008, the club folded due to debt incurred over the past season.
Longer trips incur fees for each additional half-hour on a scale that rises from $1.50 to $8.00.
He had also incurred injuries to the neck from rugby and football injuries.
Banks incur losses and require additional funds, also called recapitalization.
This round of assistance only covers costs that have been incurred to date.
The test is whether the insured will incur financial loss, or will fail to derive an anticipated financial benefit, if the event insured against occurs.
He died at the age of 94, of renal failure precipitated by injuries incurred by falling while pruning a tree.

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