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Übersetzungen für indulgence im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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indulgence [ɪnˈdʌlʤəns] SUBST

1. indulgence kein Pl (habit):

sb's indulgence in sth
indulgence in a hobby

2. indulgence (treat):


3. indulgence REL:

odpust m

Beispielsätze für indulgence

sb's indulgence in sth
indulgence in a hobby

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Physical nature can be assuaged through exercise and care, emotional nature through indulgence of instinct and urges, and mental through human reason and developed potential.
He was treated with special indulgence because of his personal popularity and delicate health.
People willingly took part in religious life: masses, indulgences and pilgrimages.
He preached against the sale of indulgences, which lost him the support of the king, who had received a percentage of such sales.
Occasionally, he would return for a symbolic peck and indulgence of the fruits.
The church sold indulgences to release the donors' departed loved ones from suffering in purgatory, or the donors themselves.
In a certain sense they survive, for the granting of indulgences is based on the periods of penance, years, day and quarantines.
Hus rejected indulgences and adopted a doctrine of justification by grace through faith alone.
It is one of the artists striking achievements that his work, despite all spectral indulgence, never seems flat.
Rich in detail, it describes the sights, the distances on the roads, the tolls paid, and the indulgences associated with various shrines.

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