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Übersetzungen für infirmity im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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infirmity [ɪnˈfɜ:məti, Am -ˈfɜ:rm-] SUBST

1. infirmity kein Pl form (weakness):


2. infirmity (ailment):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In 1133, he resigned as head of the order, because of age and infirmity.
He could not have debt more than he could pay, and no infirmities.
It is a reference for the municipal and state health systems in the care of patients with infirmities of medium and high complexity.
He suffered badly from renal calculus, and increasing infirmities and sufferings afflicted him.
Like all religious she discovered the ups and downs related to differences in temperament, character, problems of sensitivities or infirmities.
Certainly, he was fascinated by the mechanisms of the human body, but also with its infirmities, especially within their psychological and social contexts.
This extreme statement was later modified to allow that the king could grant clemency for age and infirmity.
However, age, increasing infirmity, and the amount of work needing to be done eventually broke her strong resistance and equally strong will.
Buyers would have little if any time to ascertain the true health of their purchase - only later might disease or infirmity become apparent.
The suits target and enable the study and solving of such senior citizenry infirmities as bad balance, stiff joints, weaker eyesight and extra weight.

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