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Übersetzungen für inglorious im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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inglorious [ɪnˈglɔ:riəs] ADJ liter

inglorious defeat
inglorious defeat

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Over 22,000 people signed up to fill 9,400 positions, no matter how inglorious: doctors, lawyers and executives offered to clean manure dropped by horses at the opening ceremonies.
She had her inglorious moment the night she hit send on begging emails to a couple of rich acquaintances.
To have died in so inglorious a battle has thus come to be regarded as the nadir of an unfortunate career.
He died an inglorious death.
Through some misfortune, but mostly missteps, it has been an inglorious debut from the new government.
Kay summarised the tour as one long succession of inglorious displays that had riled the critics without exception.
He made declaration of assets that can not be substantiated; now he is seeking an inglorious pension allowance.
My heart is breaking with this; my time as fleet commander has come to an inglorious end.
It was withal an inglorious ending to a sorry enterprise, and not calculated to redeem the good name of the island.
It's not as cool as keeping up to speed with the latest interface trends but sometimes, leadership is inglorious.

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