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Übersetzungen für institutionalization im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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institutionalization [ˌɪnstɪˌtju:ʃənəlaɪˈzeɪʃən, Am -ˌtu:ʃənəlɪˈ-] SUBST kein Pl ADMIN


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The party has also been marked by a growing institutionalization inside the political system.
Justice is the institutionalization of love in society...
The organization resisted increasing government intervention and the institutionalization of farming.
At the same time the term favela underwent a first institutionalization by becoming a local category for the settlements of the urban poor on hills.
While the disabled were able to access monetary assistance, they could only receive indoor assistance through institutionalization.
Public education would take the form of books and lectures, and influence over policy would be achieved through the institutionalization of expert intellectuals.
The institutionalization of these devices cultivated the notion of terror from above.
This suggests the involvement of the canarian governor in the institutionalization of the distribution of water during the early years of colonization.
After a two-day workshop that addressed the emergence of oral history, its institutionalization, its methodology and ethics, weekly group sessions fostered scholarly oral history projects.
He opposed the routinization and institutionalization of religion and favored the more democratic, egalitarian, and associational form of the frontier circuits.

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