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Übersetzungen für insubstantial im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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insubstantial [ˌɪnsəbˈstænʃəl] ADJ

1. insubstantial form:

insubstantial construction
insubstantial construction
insubstantial meal

2. insubstantial liter (not real):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But nor is it quite as insubstantial as it is sometimes made out to be.
Dodge accomplished this by making use of every conceivable revenue, no matter how supposedly insubstantial.
Though initially the aliens' true form appears to be a bat-like creature, the creatures are ultimately revealed to be insubstantial energy-beings from a higher dimension.
Available facilities for on-campus housing are insubstantial and this can be a deterrent to parents sending daughters to receive a university education.
Its tricks, combinations of motions, still exercises, hardness, suppleness, substantial and insubstantial moves are well planned and accurate.
They point to the contents of the small pits, the insubstantial rampart, and its weak defensive attributes.
Most of the formation is still visible, but due to the flat nature of the land, it is insubstantial, lacking cuttings or embankments.
Its insubstantial and sweet, with virtually no nutritional value.
In its dispersed, rarefied state, qi is invisible and insubstantial, but when it condenses it becomes a solid or liquid and takes on new properties.
Due to the latter, critics evaluated the agreement as insubstantial.

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