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Übersetzungen für interest return im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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interest return SUBST WIRTSCH

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Such savings can be much higher than current interest returns on cash deposits.
Depositors left the banking system because government controls made the interest return unattractive for savers.
A person conrtibuting at $24,000 a year for 35 years with some interest return might not be far of your level.
You have the option to rent out and achieve an ongoing high interest return.
Their toil is extremely wearisome, yet what they gain from it is negligible, while manifold interest returns to these lazy idlers.
At the same time cash sits because interest returns do not support risk.
Interest returns as the halo fades.
After all, many retirees elect to keep the bulk of their wealth in cash (as it is usually considered the safest option), so lower interest rates reduce their interest returns.
The sources and types of information and points of interest returned varies with the type of local search engine.

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