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Übersetzungen für internet user im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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internet user SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Browser exploits, large-scale surveillance, and general user security are all challenging topics for the average internet user.
While the internet user base increased to an estimated 6 million in 2008, the growth curve of paying internet accounts is recognized to be flattening.
Autocomplete functions are designed to help the internet user find information quickly by throwing up a number of predictions.
Blogging was once heralded as a great equalizer, seizing power from big media gatekeepers and redistributing it to the common internet user.
The social identity that an internet user establishes through digital identities in cyberspace is referred to as online identity.
The amount of time each internet user spends online on average a week is about 25.9 hours, up 0.9 hours from the end of 2013.
By deploying technologies that provide intelligent detection and automated collection, this will give organisations greater external threat and internet user context.
Immunity was "upheld" for an individual internet user from liability for republication of defamatory statement on a listserv.
Here, the internet user provides a phone number on the website of a company that is advertising at which he/she can be called back.
This course is designed to allow any internet user to explore and use open data.

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