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Übersetzungen für invert im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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invert [ɪnˈvɜ:t, Am -ˈvɜ:rt] VERB trans form

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

That is, inverting all of the bits of a number (the logical complement) produces the same result as subtracting the value from 0.
There is a 180 phase difference between the lowpass and highpass output of the filter, which can be corrected by inverting one signal.
The second segment of 50 laps (125 mi) and other elements (such as the blind draw invert for the pole position) remained unchanged.
The inverting mechanism is straight forward, requiring a single nucleophilic attack from the accepting atom to invert stereochemistry.
The regional socioeconomic hierarchy inverted itself, as core territories where liberals were absent experienced much lower levels of economic development.
The current mirror inverts the right collector current and tries to pass it through the left transistor that produces the left collector current.
Such a function is hard to invert unless some secret information, called the "trapdoor", is known.
She found that actors typically add, drop or invert single words.
Invertase is a sucrase used industrially for the hydrolysis of sucrose to so-called invert sugar.
Five hundred of the designed 700 km canal track pass through existing reservoirs requiring deepening of the canal invert.

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