Englisch » Polnisch

Übersetzungen für keep down im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Polnisch » Englisch)

keep down VERB trans

1. keep down (suppress):

2. keep down (not increase):

3. keep down (vomit):


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The most successful way to keep down the weeds has proven to be covering areas with biodegradable materials such as paper and cardboard.
His condition did not respond to therapeutic treatments as he lost control of his bowels and was unable to keep down solid food, living on scalded milk and brandy.
The modular design would help keep down costs and make technical problems more manageable.
That, and the drive to keep down costs, leads to a high degree of integration and circuit units in less than desirable proximity.
A subsidy system was used to keep down the prices of a large range of basic goods and services.
The very low oil prices of the 1990s helped to keep down running costs.
On the board, he was known for his attention to details and was a constant advocate to keep down taxes and tuition.
It is used to bear the load from the railroad ties, to facilitate drainage of water, and also to keep down vegetation that might interfere with the track structure.
In streets in summer, it serves to cool the immediate area, keep down dust and also please neighbors.
Stores are kept small with limited products so shoppers can do a full weekly shop in 20 minutes -- and to keep down costs.

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