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Übersetzungen für kowtow im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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kowtow [ˌkaʊtaʊ] VERB intr abw ugs

Beispielsätze für kowtow

to kowtow to sb/sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The kowtow remains alive as part of a formal induction ceremony in certain traditional trades that involve apprenticeship or discipleship.
Then family members start take turns to kowtow three to nine times (depending on the family adherence to traditional values) before the tomb of the ancestors.
The household then kneels three times and kowtows nine times to pay obeisance and wish him a long life.
Wherever he went, grown men would kneel down in a ritual kowtow, averting their eyes until he passed.
Police officials, military men, businessmen, politicians, bureaucrats and other prominent figures like judges kowtowed to him.
As a result, terrified judges learned to kowtow to their superiors and shy away from handing down nonconforming rulings.
As he disliked having to kowtow to a minor official, he rarely journeyed beyond the free limit.
The household then kneels three times and kowtows nine times to pay homage and wish him a long life.
He was never one to kowtow; team-mates and observers detected the chip that was reluctant to leave his shoulder.
Worshiping then and kowtowing to them does not do any good.

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