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Übersetzungen für light-footed im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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light-footed ADJ


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He's a different protagonist - a little more cautious and light-footed.
He threw me a quick grin and, light-footed hopped on to the beast's back.
They are light-footed and move freely, smoothly and lithely, and will bark when confronted with an unfamiliar sound or sight.
But some fund companies really are more light-footed and nimble than others.
There were teasingly interesting notions in this generally light-footed comedy drama, but at three hours it went on for too long.
It includes grand ceremonial occasions and light-footed, fast-moving trips to meet soldiers, business people, volunteers and almost every other category one can imagine.
I like the light-footed look of the 2.
He was light-footed, graceful and elegant and while his torment was being played out, he was expressive and his passion was clearly evident.
The trio's forthright delivery of the first movement found a telling contrast in the crisp, light-footed scherzo and the winsome grace of the slow movement.
There's nothing more satisfying than picking a game up after five years, leaping from a rooftop with the light-footed lead and landing exactly where you intended.

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