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Übersetzungen für litmus im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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litmus [ˈlɪtməs] SUBST kein Pl CHEM

lakmus m

litmus paper SUBST kein Pl CHEM

litmus test SUBST kein Pl

1. litmus test übtr (test):

litmus test

2. litmus test CHEM:

litmus test

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It has been regarded by one academic commentator as the litmus test of how liberal the standing rules within a legal regime are.
They expressed their displeasure in various ways, in demands for ideological litmus tests and a number of purges and show trials, respectively.
I do not pass his litmus test on social policy.
He would not hold any political philosophy as a litmus test.
Early products included microscopes, burets, pipettes, litmus, balances, colorimeters, dissecting kits, and anatomical models.
That is not a bad litmus test of any scholar.
The political litmus test is often used when appointing judges.
A swab of the discharge is put onto litmus paper to check its acidity.
The game had been distributed to a few radio stations, and was described as a litmus test of the candidates' political knowledge.
Hence, it can be used to do alkali-acid litmus tests (but the usual litmus test paper does not use alkanet as the agent).

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