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Übersetzungen für lovelorn im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Along with his captivating vocal performance, he demonstrated remarkable emotional range, switching back and forth from a ruffian greaser to a lovelorn teen desperate for his girl's approval with ease.
But the passion is everywhere -- the canoodling couples, the flirtatious gazes, the lovelorn graffiti.
Once upon a time, lovelorn singles were expected to slink away in shame.
Men, meanwhile, seem to have little interest in workplace propriety and begin their lovelorn postings in earnest soon after lunch is over.
The work is a three-quarter-length, single image of a lovelorn girl.
Then he can jump onto the lap steel and coax out a syrupy, lovelorn, cry in your beer country solo.
Smith's quivery, thin, tremulous voice cut through with his very particular emotional intensity, like a lovelorn adolescent on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
The swans on the moonlit lakes look as if they might at any moment transmogrify themselves into ballerinas in search of a lovelorn prince.
It is generally considered to be an undesirable or dreaded situation by the lovelorn person.
Eight cuts on its side showed that it had been used eight times in the past by lovelorn males as bride price.

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