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Übersetzungen für market practices im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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market practices SUBST Pl

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

These are retrograde procurement procedures emanating from a mindset based on street market practices inconsistent with an economy heading towards value creation.
Although the government claimed the cap would replicate market conditions, the revenue cap abandons market practices such as price signals and shareholder return.
The market practices institutional violence on every single one of us, every day, just by virtue of existing.
It will free up these institutions, and give them the incentive to do good things when it comes to market practices, as opposed to doing very destructive things.
King will monitor and report to the state's small business minister on any emerging trends or market practices that have an impact on small businesses.
The central bank says it would like to move to market practices, operating guidelines will be issued soon.
Global interoperability of real-time payments systems will require harmonisation of market practices and standards.
As conservatives are generally better than liberals at remembering, freedom needs to be limited to maintain social order and security -- including security against financial crisis and predatory market practices.
Highly concentrated industries are linked with undesirable market practices such as higher prices, restricted supply, higher than average market profits margins, and the lack of technological innovation.
But we did find variations in market practices.

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