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Übersetzungen für master tape im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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master tape SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The master tape of the recording sessions has been lost.
Thus, releases are close copies of the original master tape.
Prior to the cutting of the master disc, the master tape was often subjected to further electronic treatment by a specialist mastering engineer.
Due to the band's tight budget, they ran the recorder at half-speed to fit everything on one master tape.
This is accomplished by playing master tape at half its normal speed, while simultaneously running the cutting lathe at half speed.
This multi-track tape is mixed down to a mono or stereo tape from which the master tape is copied.
He would send the master tape to be mastered, then mass-reproduced, while an enthusiastic acquaintance of his took on the part of marketing the series.
After completing the recording, but short of cash, they abandoned the idea of releasing the album and shelved the master tape.
The four-track master tape was wiped or misplaced.
The process of bouncing down dubbing a completed 4-track recording onto one track of another tape was succeptable to the buildup of noise on the master tape.

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