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Übersetzungen für matzo im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

However, once the dough is baked, people of any religion are allowed to touch the matzo.
Of course, he couldn't betray his work ethics in such a way, but he began inquiring, and he found that they were making matzos with human blood.
Once flour has been reacted with water and rapidly baked into matzo, it is no longer subject to leavening.
Then they take his blood and make their matzos.
By mass-producing matzos they turned the output of matzo-making from a strictly local product into a national, and eventually international product.
Fish is coated with matzo meal before frying, and cakes and puddings are made with potato starch and matzo meal.
With characteristic adaptability he took up management of a matzos factory.
Instead of matzo meal, they use potato starch in cakes and other dishes.
Likewise, they are encouraged to search for the "afikoman", the piece of matzo which is the last thing eaten at the seder.
Matzo is the most powerful food substance there is.

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