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Übersetzungen für methylated spirits im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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methylated spirits [ˌmeθəleɪtɪdˈ-, Am -leɪt̬ədˈ-] SUBST Sg Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is heated by a methylated spirits stove.
The gang which manufactured the vodka used bleach to remove the purple colouring of the methylated spirits and then diluted the product to required strength.
The main additive has traditionally been 10% methanol, giving rise to the term methylated spirits.
Turpentine is often removed from the plate using methylated spirits since turpentine is greasy and can affect the application of ink and the printing of the plate.
Dab the item with a cloth dampened with slightly diluted methylated spirits, then rinse, wash with soap and rinse again.
Grass stains can be removed by wiping the article over with methylated spirits.
The health officer has suggested the use of a small handful of pyrethrum powder on which had been poured a few drops of methylated spirits.
The most common form is methylated spirits (ethanol and around 10 per cent methanol) which may also be marketed as bio-ethanol or eco-fuel.
Anti-freeze, or methylated spirits, may be added to a mixture to give the product a lower freezing temperature.
Get out the methylated spirits or spray and wipe and really make sure it's clean.

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