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Übersetzungen für minium im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They probably don't realise the impact of making just the minium payment in a lot of cases.
Second time minium 10 years with no parole.
Among savage nations the inclination for it has been universally remarkedy and when children left to themselves, begin to use tints, they never spare vermilion and minium.
For properties and uses of minium see lead tetroxide.
They used minium for red, and generally of a dark tinge.
It was first thought to be minium (lead tetroxide mineral) because of its high lead content, brown color and association with other lead oxide minerals plattnerite and murdochite.
The trial judge should have the descretion to set a minium non parole period.
All that goes back into your pocket by keeping insurance coverage to a minium.
It stated that the watches were for deserving staff of the institution who had served for a minium of 30 years and were due for retirement.
The savings to the operator would be at a minium equal to the cost of the number of the wells not otherwise required to be drilled.

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