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Übersetzungen für mire im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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mire [maɪəʳ, Am maɪr] SUBST kein Pl

mire liter:

bagno nt

Beispielsätze für mire

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is a lovely place for a walk although wellies are highly recommended all year if crossing the mire.
There are philosophical principles involved, but his training is not mired in technicalities.
In addition, inefficient state firms and a banking system mired in bad loans and lost funds to foreign countries.
Initially the march was mired by heavy rain.
Despite the change in staff in 2011, the program remained mired in third place, averaging around 22.5 million average viewers per week.
The state will be led by an embattled governor mired in personal and legal problems for three months.
Some elections were held in the first shaky years, although they remained mired in corruption.
Most of the land consists of a lime-rich mire.
The site is nationally important for its south-western lowland heath communities and for transitions from ancient semi-natural woodland through upland heath to blanket mire.
Other issues touched by the author as the vision of a society mired in routine, the blandness of not appreciating the little things, details.

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