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Übersetzungen für f. im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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misalliance [ˌmɪsəˈlaɪəns] SUBST form


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As with all powerful interventions, if it is misapplied, the consequences can be severe: rapid misalliance with the therapist, worsening of symptoms, and treatment dropout.
The marriage was controversial and regarded by the king's family, who opposed to it, to be a misalliance.
The match was a misalliance, but as they loved each other, and as he was very wealthy, it was allowed to pass.
Against this milieu, she reworked the theme of love in all of its multifarious aspectsold love, young love, jealousy, suspicion, misalliance, and improvident marriage.
That particular misalliance was blessed by the national authority.
The product of such a misalliance can only be the loss of media objectivity and credibility, if it's not actually a public disservice.
But right from the start there was a misalliance between the painter and his clientele.
He is up against an initial misalliance to which others are being added, containing the same characters but no further explanation.
The marriage was met with great dislike and opposition, especially from the upper-class and the nobility, who considered it a misalliance.

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