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Übersetzungen für misfit im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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misfit [ˈmɪsfɪt] SUBST

Beispielsätze für misfit

he was always a bit of a misfit there

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Instead of exhausting the possibilities of her collection of plausible misfits, this group portrait leaves you longing for more.
The tiny glacier stream is something of a misfit, the river which once filled the gorge must have carried a lot more water.
Influenced by minimalism and anti-novel, her fictions are written in first person and present tense by misfit and quasi-paranoid female protagonists.
Inside the bar he talks with a mixed group of misfits who are his friends and form a community.
He is a stern, but fair leader who uses a relaxed touch to keep his team of misfit officers in line.
Thus, misfit provides invaluable diagnostic tools for test developers, allowing the hypotheses upon which test specifications are based to be empirically tested against data.
She's got that family of misfit kids with different fathers...
He is assigned to supervise a platoon of misfits that includes his brothers.
The movie followed a group of misfit recruits in their attempts to prove themselves capable of being police officers.
She meets another misfit (a teenage boy) and the two form an attachment to one another that borders on attraction.

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