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Übersetzungen für modulation im Englisch » Polnisch-Wörterbuch

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modulation [ˌmɒdjəˈleɪʃən, Am ˌmɑ:ʤ-] SUBST MUS, RADIO

phase modulation TEL
percentage modulation ELEK

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Her painting distinguished by restrained color, the richness of tonal relations, and light and shadow modulations.
Such keys are the most commonly used destinations or transpositions in a modulation, because of their strong structural links with the home key.
Source units can be are available at 850 nm, 1300 nm, 1310 nm, or 1550 nm and have four switchable modulation frequencies built it.
However, due to the cross-polarizaiton modulation between strong and weak polarization components, a weak soliton could also be formed.
To ensure the time base began its sweep of the screen at the right time, the signal included several special modulations.
Also, broad modulation bandwidth allows multi-carrier signal generation, necessary for testing receiver adjacent channel rejection.
Each dastgh consists of seven basic notes, plus several variable notes used for ornamentation and modulation.
Qualitatively, aminergic modulation has been shown to be strong during waking but lower during sleep, but more studies need to be conducted.
The new technique was called "mapping by set partitions", now known as trellis modulation.
In general, there are three main internal modules: for drive, for modulation and for delay.

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